When deciding whether to use a third-party application or develop a solution in-house, several factors come into play. If a third-party solution meets your needs entirely, it's often the best choice due to its reliability, cost-effectiveness, and the transfer of maintenance responsibilities.
However, third-party solutions may not always align with your requirements, or they may not exist. In cases where a third-party tool lacks the necessary features or speed, like integrating Maropost with Shopify at a faster sync rate, developing an in-house solution becomes a viable option.
Concerns about in-house development often center around maintenance. While initial development may encounter bugs or misunderstandings, thorough testing can iron these out. Maintenance fears are often exaggerated; most tools connect to APIs, which are versioned and provide ample time to adapt to changes.
The major benefit of in-house development is customization. You can tailor the solution to your exact needs and adjust it over time as requirements evolve. This flexibility allows for ongoing refinement, ensuring the solution remains aligned with your business objectives. Unlike third-party applications, which might dictate specific workflows or functionality, an internally developed tool puts you in control, providing the agility to adapt to changes in your industry or company operations.
If you are a small business, it's wise to start with predominantly external tooling, as this allows you to save on costs, focus on your core offerings, and benefit from the reliability and support of established tools. However, if you are a disruptor in your industry, then almost by definition, you will need some custom tooling to support the unique processes that set you apart. As your business grows, you may naturally become more rigid due to the layers of complexity and bureaucracy that come with expansion. This rigidity makes custom tooling increasingly essential, providing the flexibility and adaptability needed to maneuver within a competitive landscape. Custom solutions enable you to maintain a degree of agility, ensuring that your business can respond effectively to market changes and sustain its competitive edge.
In summary, the decision to build in-house versus buying a third-party solution should weigh factors like cost, time-to-market, maintenance, and customization needs. By evaluating each option's pros and cons, businesses can make strategic decisions that align best with their operational goals. In general, outsource when:
An existing tool fulfills > 90% of your needs.
The provider is a trusted and reputable player in their domain.
It is financially viable.
If any one of these criteria is not met, serious consideration should be given to internal solutions.
So I think I have integrated aurora's delayed power usage data into home assistant, though it's a little convoluted and dodgy. Aurora is pretty much the only power provider in Tasmania.
The issue is that they post your power consumption to their non-official API the day after. This is incompatible with Home Assistant's real-time monitoring. But I did it anyway.
Firstly, we need a way to get the information from that API. Recently, they introduced 2FA which sends a text to verify. Thankfully, there exists AuroraPlus, which is a fork of a library which worked before the 2FA wrecked everything. It contains a lot of goodness, but for my purposes, getting the token using the script is sufficient.
def get_token():
api = auroraplus.api()
url = api.oauth_authorize()
print("Please visit the following URL in a browser, "
"and follow the login prompts ...\n")
print("\nThis will redirect to an error page (Cradle Mountain).\n")
redirect_uri = input("Please enter the full URL of the error page: ")
token = api.oauth_redirect(redirect_uri)
print("\nThe new token is\n")
print("\n The access token is\n")
Now we can grab yesterdays data, we need to get it into home assistant somehow. This was the most challenging, but in the spirit of doing as little work as possible, I stumbled on this repository: https://github.com/klausj1/homeassistant-statistics
It basically takes a specially formatted csv in the root directory and imports it into Home Assistants statistics database, which is used by the energy dashboard to display usage.
From here, we just need to do the T in ETL (extract transform load). So I wrote a pyscript script in pyscript to be ran as a service.
import json
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta, UTC
import pytz
import pandas as pd
import requests
import logging
from functools import partial
# For testing, this SQL can be helpful:
# select max(sum) from statistics s inner join statistics_meta sm on sm.id=s.metadata_id where statistic_id = 'sensor:aurora_tariff_41_v2_cost'
FILENAME = "aurora_yesterday.csv"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"31": {
"price": .29947,
"sensor": "sensor:aurora_tariff_31_v2",
"sensor_cost": "sensor:aurora_tariff_31_v2_cost"
"41": {
"price": .19447,
"sensor": "sensor:aurora_tariff_41_v2",
"sensor_cost": "sensor:aurora_tariff_41_v2_cost"
def date_convert(d: str) -> str:
return datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(pytz.timezone("Australia/Hobart")).strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:00")
def _get_last_sum(df: pd.DataFrame, column_value: str) -> float:
# Doing this in a dumb way because computers fucking suck...
# Here is what i wanted to do df[df["statistic_id"] == sensor].iloc[-1]["sum"]
# But for some reason `ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().`
# It is assumed these are in assending order.
latest_sum = None
for _, row in df.iterrows():
if row["statistic_id"] == column_value:
if latest_sum is None or row["sum"] > latest_sum:
latest_sum = row["sum"]
if latest_sum is None:
raise Exception("There is no latest sum for " + column_value)
return latest_sum
async def get_last_sum(sensor: str) -> float:
df = await hass.async_add_executor_job(pd.read_csv, FILENAME)
return _get_last_sum(df, sensor)
except FileNotFoundError:
return 0
async def extract_aurora():
output = []
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {AUTH_KEY}",
"Accept": "application/json",
"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0"
url = f"https://api.auroraenergy.com.au/api/usage/day?serviceAgreementID=YOUR_SERVICE_AGREEMENT_ID&customerId=YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID&index=-1"
r = partial(requests.get, url, headers=headers)
result = await hass.async_add_executor_job(r)
data = result.json()
data = [x for x in data["MeteredUsageRecords"] if x["KilowattHourUsage"]]
for tariff_key, tariff in TARIFFS.items():
kwh_state_running_total = 0
kwh_sum_running_total = get_last_sum(tariff["sensor"])
cost_state_running_total = 0
cost_sum_running_total = get_last_sum(tariff["sensor_cost"])
for element in data:
kwh_state_running_total += element["KilowattHourUsage"][f"T{tariff_key}"]
kwh_sum_running_total += element["KilowattHourUsage"][f"T{tariff_key}"]
cost_state_running_total += element["KilowattHourUsage"][f"T{tariff_key}"] * tariff["price"]
cost_sum_running_total += element["KilowattHourUsage"][f"T{tariff_key}"] * tariff["price"]
"statistic_id": tariff["sensor"],
"unit": "kWh",
"start": date_convert(element["StartTime"]),
"state": round(kwh_state_running_total, 2),
"sum": round(kwh_sum_running_total, 2)
"statistic_id": tariff["sensor_cost"],
"unit": "AUD/kWh",
"start": date_convert(element["StartTime"]),
"state": round(cost_state_running_total, 2),
"sum": round(cost_sum_running_total, 2)
fn = partial(pd.DataFrame(output).to_csv, FILENAME, index=False) # This should be able to be a lambda, but fuck no apparently.
Now a simple automation combining both services and we have it going. Nice one.
What did I do today? I spent a great deal of time getting some software to work for customers which isn't entirely uncommon.
I spent a lot of time getting an automation that I am working on for my full time gig to reliably determine how to output some text based on answers provided in a questionnaire by clients. That was fun.
I also exposed the energy end point from the integration I made for home assistant called Local Daikin to my home assistant energy monitoring section and can now reliably track the kilowatt cost so that's very exciting.