
Jan 01, 2023

Hello world!

My name is Justin and I do things.

I am on a journey, as we all are, where I am trying to become the best version of myself. Below are some of the modes of me:

  • Father

  • Partner

  • Developer

  • Game Developer

  • Tinkerer

  • Home owner

  • Writer

  • Backyard Adventurer

  • Philosopher

I will not doubt post some things here. I have no particular schedule I am aiming to adhere to and no particular format.

I hope this information is somewhat entertaining, if not useful.

Jun 24, 2019

The F-String

Image credit Another way to concatenate strings. Hi guys, sorry it's been a fortnight! I've been hella busy and still am so this is going to be short. So I recently discovered the f-string in python. a_string = " are pretty damned cool!" print("f-strings" + a_string) So I'm sure most of us are familiar with the above for good old string concatenation. If you are super tricky, you might even know� a_string = " are pretty damned cool!" print("f-strings{0}").format(a_string) These are both well and good, but I have recently learned of a method i enjoy more than both of these. a_string = " are pretty damned cool!" print(f"f-strings{a_string}") Simple. Concise. Beautiful. Stay tuned for next week!

Jun 10, 2019

Pure Python HTML to PDF

Image credit Hello again! Welcome to another Monday and another short one for you here. So, have you ever needed to make a PDF file programmatically? I know I have. One of the main advantages of having a pdf as opposed to some other graphical format is being able to print them from the right click (context) menu. The simplest method of programmatically styling something like this in my experience seems to be HTML. Once you have this, simply use some kind of library to convert it into a PDF. Right? Well, kind of. You see, another nuance to this thing here is that generally speaking, you want your applications to be independent of the OS and environment. Well, you might wanna have Python and a couple of packages installed, but that�s it. Let�s not rely on the user to install anything external. Let me introduce xhtml2pdf As I was unable to find any clear cut instructions on how to do this locally, so let me save you some trouble and walk you through it. from xhtml2pdf import pisa from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader First, let's import the pisa module from the xhtml2pdf package. Optionally, you can import the Environment and FileSystemLoader modules from jinja2 if you would like to populate a html template with some data. Then, provided you want to use Jinja2� environment = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(searchpath="./")) template = environment.get_template('./Template.html') We create an environment specifying we want to load from the filesystem and that the place to load from is the current directory. output_from_parsed_template = template.render(**kwargs) Above, we are grabbing the properly formatted jinja template (with {{ variables }} and the like), and populating it with data. If you want to know more about that, google it. It's not the focus of what I'm talking about here. resultFile = open(outputFilename, "w+b") pisaStatus = pisa.CreatePDF(output_from_parsed_template, dest="./output_pdf") resultFile.close() In the above, we open some kind of output file for writing as binary. Then, we use the CreatePDF function from pisa to do the magic. Pure, pythonic conversion. Then of course, we tidy up and close the file. That's all there is too it folks! Hope that was helpful to someone! See ya'll next week :)

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